Free to 'Tag-Along' Tours with local support
Enjoy the freedom of a Free to Tag-Along Tour
Connect with like-minded people when it suits you
with Local support, we leave nobody behind ...
All our Routes are already a Destination in itself
What's a Free to 'Tag- Along' Tour?
In a Free to Tag-Along Tour everything revolves around Freedom and Camaraderie, a touch of Adventure and lots of Fun. One tour will be a bit more challenging than the other, but we never look for extremes and safety is always our priority. Essential in all our Free to Tag- Along Tours is the feeling of freedom when driving an 'own' vehicle, while the help and companionship of like-minded fellow participants is always close by.
In all our Tag-Alongs, the security and cosiness of a group go hand in hand with a large amount of personal freedom. To preserve the real Road Trip feeling all these Tours with joint departure dates are reserved for adults only.
Our Free to Tag-Along Tours with joint departure dates are quite unique. It's easy for Participants with the same interest to connect with each other, but the number of entries is limited (first come first served). The joint departure dates are stated in the respective tour descriptions and are also clearly ranked in our Join-In Calendar.
What to expect from a Free to Tag-Along Self-Drive Tour?
In all our Free to Tag-Along Tours you can drive freely. The type of local support that our Partner provides on site can vary greatly, but for most Tag-Along Tours this will be a 24/7 Stand-By service. You will obtain the necessary navigation tools and you decide for yourself whether you want to drive (parts of) the route alone or together with others. An overview of the Open Tag-Alongs with Stand-By Service can be found here
In addition to the Tag-Along Self-drive Tours with local Stand-By service we also offer a number of Tours according to the same 'Tag-Along' principle but with On-Tour Assistance. The nature of On-Tour support varies depending the circumstances. For example, for a Tour with a lot of off-road kilometers, a sweeper car and/or mechanical assistance will be provided; for a tour with only convertibles (and hence limited boot space) a luggage wagon, etc ... Read the tour description carefully. An overview of the Open Tag-Alongs with On-Tour Service can be found here.
A special case needing On-Tour assistance are the Tuk-Tuk Challenges. These Asian Tuk-Tuk Road trips are organized in collaboration with our UK / US Tour Partners. The working language is therefore English. The languages in which your local contact can assist you can be found in the tour description.
Our overseas Tag-Along Tours with Stand-By service pass through safe areas in rented vehicles that are fully adapted to the local conditions. The routes to be traveled are 'do-able' for the average driver and our local Partner has an extensive network of contacts to assist you should something happen.
The atmosphere in all our Tag-Along Tours revolves entirely around 'Freedom, Camaraderie, Adventure and Fun'. Most of our (off) Road Trips and Self-drives therefore follow the Free to Tag- Along principle, which means that you decide yourself where and when you wish to join others. Depending on the Tour Formula you have chosen, you can rely on the Stand-By service of our local Partner or members of the organization will go On-Tour with you
How to participate? Our Free to Tag-Along Tours are booked well ahead in order to secure fleet reservations and the number of entries in limited. Go to the overall Platform to view all Tours or to make a selection. You can also consult our Join-In Calendar for an overview of the departure dates